Tesla Model S: Charge Port - Single Phase - Non-Motorized (Remove and Replace) -
- Installation procedure is the reverse of removal, except
for the following:
- If the charge port has alignment pins, use wire-cutting pliers
or a similar tool to trim them flush.
- Remove any adhesive patch residue from the mating surfaces of
the high voltage cable lugs.
- If the charge port was previously installed, remove any adhesive
patch residue from the surfaces of the terminals.
- If the trim/light ring assembly was removed, re-insert it into
the body opening first.
- Connect the light ring wiring harness to the charge port, making
sure that the harness mates with an audible click. Tuck the harness
into the unused space above the trim/light ring assembly.
Caution: Make sure that the wiring harness is
positioned away from the top right charge port mounting
hole. If the harness interferes with the hole, it can be
damaged when the mounting bolt is installed.
- Snap the charge port into the trim/light ring assembly.
- Loosely install the top left bolt to the charge port. Do not
torque the bolt at this time.
- Install the remaining bolts (x3) that secure the charge port to
the body.
- Tigthen all 4 bolts in the sequence shown (torque 5 Nm).
- Place a paint mark on each mounting bolt to indicate that it has
been properly tightened. Use one continuous motion to mark the bolt
head, washer, and the plastic surface of the charge port.
- Pull the tab outward to remove the pawl actuator cover from the
back of the charge port.
- Push the pawl actuator tab to the left to release the pawl, then
insert the charge port alignment tool into the charge port.
Caution: A charge port alignment tool must be inserted
into the charge port before attaching the high voltage
cables. Otherwise, the force of the high voltage cables
pulling on the backs of the pins causes the pins to become
Note: The charge port alignment tool should only
be used on vehicles manufactured for North America and
Japan. Vehicles manufactured for all other countries include
the European charge port and do not require use of the
charge port alignment tool during this procedure.
- Move the HV cables into position. Install the ground bracket
- Tighten the lower nut that secures the charge port cable clamp
to the body (torque 6 Nm). Do not tighten the clamp nut at this
- Install the bolts (x2) that secure the HV cables to the charge
port (torque 9 Nm).
Caution: Do not use any washers other than the captive
washers that are part of the new bolts.
- Place a paint mark on each bolt to indicate that it has been
properly tightened. Use one continuous motion to mark the bolt head,
washer, and the surface of the lug.
- Adjust the high voltage cables to minimize strain on the charge
port. Tighten the cable clamp upper nut (torque 5 Nm).
- Push the pawl actuator tab to the left to release the pawl, then
remove the charge port alignment tool from the charge port if used.
- Reinstall the pawl actuator cover.
- Perform a vehicle firmware update if a new charge port was
installed. This ensures that the charge port's firmware is at the
same revision as the vehicle firmware.
Warning: Only technicians who have been trained in High
Voltage Awareness are permitted to perform this procedure. Proper
personal protective equipment (PPE) and insulating HV gloves with a
Note: This procedure describes how to remove and install
the 3 phase charge port. If the vehicle is equipped with a single
phase charge port, refer to procedure 44012202 (refer to procedure).
Remove the LH and RH lower seat cushions (refer to procedure).
On each side of the vehicle, remove the screw that secures the
closeout panel to the seat frame (torque 5 Nm). Remove the panel
from the vehicle.
Use a trim stick or other non-marring pry tool to release the
visor mounting cover.
Caution: Take care not to damage component(s).
Remove the screw that secures the sun visor to the roof.