Tesla Model S: Front Drive Unit (From Above) (Remove and Install)
- Installation
Use alcohol wipes to clean the mating surfaces
between the RH motor mount and drive unit.
Ensure that the support jack is secured to the
front crossmember.
With an assistant, lower the motor on the crane
while pushing it into the vehicle.
Caution: Be very careful not
to damage the steering rack. Ensure that the protector is still over
the plastic housing on the steering rack.
Secure the straps around the motor.
Slide coolant pump 4 and the hose back behind
the motor; these will be reinstalled in a later step.
Continue to lower the motor into position, both
by lowering the crane and raising the support jack.
Once the crane can no longer be lowered, ensure
that the support jack straps completely support the drive unit, then
release the crane cables.
Continue to position the motor. Have an
assistant working from the RH wheelwell help to align the motor with
the RH motor mount.
Place the shear plate on the outboard side of
the motor mount so that the shear plate bolt holes align with the
motor mount bolt holes.
Caution: Ensure that
the bottom holes on the shear plate are not slotted. If the
bottom holes are slotted, replace the shear plate with one
that is not slotted.
Loosely install the upper front bolt to secure
the motor to the RH motor mount.
Note: This allows
for proper alignment of the motor.
Install the lower RH section of NVH padding.
Rotate the motor so that the other 3 bolt holes
for the RH motor mount are aligned, but do not secure the bolts yet.
Working from the underhood area, loosely
install the lower front bolt.
Working from the RH wheelwell, loosely install
both rear bolts.
Connect the harness for coolant pump 4.
Caution: Ensure that
the hose is not twisted.
Secure the coolant pump bracket to the body.
Note: These bolts
appear similar to other fasteners used in this procedure,
but are slightly shorter. Ensure that the correct bolts are
used during reinstallation.
Working from the RH wheelwell, resecure the
cooling hose to the rocker hose.
Have an assistant push the LH knuckle inboard
while rotating it forward; install the LH axle.
Caution: Do not
damage the differential seal.
Note: Ensure that
the opening of the snap ring is facing towards the bottom of
the drive unit.
Note: Verify that
the driveshaft is fully seated by carefully pushing it into
the drive unit until there is an audible "click" from the
snap ring.
Resecure the LH knukcle to the upper control
arm (torque 60 Nm).
Working from the underhood area, set the LH
motor mount into position and loosely install the front 2 bolts to
secure it to the motor.
Working from the LH wheelwell, loosely install
the rear bolt to secure the mount to the motor.
Tighten all 3 motor mount bolts (torque 38 Nm).
Install the rear bolt and washer that secures
the LH motor mount to the frame rail.
Tip: It might be helpful
to raise or lower the motor with the support jack to align
the bolt.
Install the front bolt and washer to secure the
LH motor mount to the frame rail.
Position the 3 shim tools between the RH motor
mount and body.
Note: These tools
ensure that both sides of the motor mount have at least 5 mm
clearance to the body.
Working from the underhood area, position
the 2-pronged shim around the RH motor mount front bushing.
Reach beneath the motor and position the
hook shim tool between the mount and outer bushing.
Reach downward between the V-brace and
cross brace and position the straight shim tool between the
mount and inner bushing.
Working from the wheelwell, use a deep socket
to install the rear bolt that secures the LH mount to the drive unit
(torque 38 Nm).
Working from the underhood area, install the 2
front bolts for the LH mount to the drive unit (torque 38 Nm).
Attach the 15 mm ratchet tool to a torque
Caution: Ensure that
the ratchet tool is 90 degrees perpendicular to the handle
of the torque wrench when using the tool.
Working from the underhood area, fully torque
the 4 bolts that secure the motor to the RH mount (torque 75 Nm).
Working from the underhood area, use the
ratchet and torque wrench to secure the upper front bolt.
Working from the wheelwell, secure the
lower rear bolt.
Working from the wheelwell, secure the
upper rear bolt.
Working from the underhood area, use the
ratchet and torque wrench to secure the lower front bolt.
Reinsert the shim tools to verify proper
clearance between the bushings and body. If the shims do not fit,
release the 3 bolts that secure the LH motor mount and repeat steps
Release the carabiners and remove the straps
from the motor.
Remove the support jack from the vehicle.
Remove the fill plug (torque 28 Nm).
Fill the drive unit with the correct amount of
proper fluid:
Use the fluid specified in
General Information >
Fluids and Capacities >
Fluids .
Use the amount specified in
General Information >
Fluids and Capacities >
Fluid Capacities .
Caution: Use exactly
the specified amount of gear oil. Do not fill to the top of
the fill plug.
Install the lower RH section of NVH padding.
Reinstall all components that were removed for
Remove the steering rack cover and
reconnect the 3 steering rack harnesses.
Reinstall the RH halfshaft.
Secure the motor ground strap to the frame
rail (torque 9 Nm).
Note: Do
not overtorque the nut to avoid breaking the stud on
the frame rail.
Reconnect the motor logic connector.
Perform a push-pull-push test before proceeding to ensure that
the connector is secure.
Secure the bracket for coolant pump 4 to
the front crossmember.
Reinstall both fuse boxes.
Reinstall the A/C compressor.
Reinstall the 4-way bracket.
Reinstall the A/C lines.
Connect the LV A/C compressor harness and
resecure the clip the motor.
Secure the compressor ground strap.
Reattach the 4 clips to secure the coolant
hose to the bottom of the front crossmember, but do not secure
the hoses to the motor at this time.
Note: When
securing the clips on the LH side of the front
crossmember, do not use the front holes. These are
for clipping the reservoir hose in a later substep.
Route the coolant reservoir hose behind the
hose for the differential housing, then clip the coolant
reservoir hose to the front crossmember.
Reconnect the coolant hoses to the
differential housing and the RH side of the drive unit.
Connect the coolant reservoir sensor.
Secure the 4 bolts to reinstall the coolant
reservoir to the front crossmember.
Ensure that the coolant hose to the rear of
the motor is clipped to the steering rack and subframe.
Pull a vacuum on the A/C system for 15
minutes; continue this procedure while the vacuum is being
Reconnect the clip to secure the A/C line
to the hose.
Apply P-80 emulsion to the connector seals
on the HV cables, then resecure the HV cables to the motor.
Caution: Do
not apply P-80 emulsion to the HV terminals.
Carefully inspect the connector seals. If any are
damaged, replace them.
Clip the 12V positive terminal to the top
of the front crossmember.
Install the 12V battery support brace.
Reinstall the 12V battery tray.
Hand tighten the bolt that secures the hose
to the 12V battery support brace. and put the fir tree clips
through the bracket.
Resecure the fir tree clips that secure the
LH A/C line to the bracket.
Resecure the 2 bolts on the edges of the
12V battery support brace.
Secure the 3 bolts that secure the 12V
bracket to the front crossmember.
Reinstall the long bolt in the back of the
Reinstall the 12V battery and reconnect the
12V positive terminal.
Recharge the A/C and resecure the ports.
Resecure the intelligent battery sensor to
the negative terminal, then reconnect the 12V negative terminal.
Perform a coolant purge.
Resecure the sway bar links.
Reinstall all other components that were
removed for access.
Note: If possible, use the
"From Below" procedure to remove and replace the front drive unit
(refer to procedure).
Remove the front drive unit
(refer to procedure).
Transfer Compo
Special tools required for this procedure:
Part Number
Special tool required for this procedure:
Part Number
Ride Height Measuring Tool
Use Toolbox to verify that the "Whe
Remove the 'C' post rear trim (refer to procedure).
Remove the trunk sill panel.
Remove the trunk side garnish trim.
Remove the trunk floor tri