Tesla Model S: Chassis
Note: Loosen suspension
fasteners by hand, then use a cordless electric drill with a 3/8
in drive adapter and a 3/8 in drive air ratchet wrench.
Warning: Only technicians
who have be
Installation procedure is the reverse of removal,
except for the following:
Warning: Only use
cleaning agents and solvents in a well-ventilated area.
When following a vehicle, Traffic-Aware Cruise Control
remains active at low speeds, even when Model S comes
to a full stop. When the vehicle is moving again, Traffic-
Aware Cruise Control resumes operating at the set
speed. However, under the following circumstances,
Traffic-Aware Cruise Contro
Maximum charge rate reduced
Charge current has been reduced because the Mobile Connector has detected a
high temperature at the connection
between the wall plug adapter and the control box.
Make sure the wall plug adapter is fully connected to the Mobile Connector
control box.
After unplugging